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8/03/2005 09:43:00 AM

My weblog revamped

Well, what do you know, this weblog has been in existence for more than a year now, although my actual 'blogging time' is probably only 9 months out of the 12. Therefore, I decided to give my weblog a little revamp and a bit of a re-introduction...

So I spent the whole of last night updating my weblog's template. I'm beginning to appreciate the subtleties of Blogger's template system, it's quite flexible really. Besides the obvious changes, I added some Javascript-ing here and there. If you reload the page, you can probably see the photo at the header, and the greeting at the bar on the right change. Clicking on the photo or greeting will also change it. You can also hide/show posts, leaving only their titles and links. And lastly, you can now change the font sizes of blog posts.

Once done with the template, I started the daunting process of re-touching each of my posts. I added and Technorati tags or easier categorization, although this process is not yet 100% finished at this time. I also fixed some HTML to make it XHMTL 1.0 compatible.

As for the "re-introduction" part — Hello! My name is Abu Zaim and I'm a multimedia designer from KL, Malaysia. This is where I post my personal opinions, thoughts and my deepest-darkests-secrets for the whole world to see and read. If you like what you see, stick around, browse my archives and read my previous posts. Leave a comment or two. Maybe you can even bookmark or add my feed to your RSS feed reader. Or if that's moving in too fast, perhaps you could just look out for my pings at Petaling Street. Anyway, whatever you decide to do, thanks a lot for dropping by.

Well, I'm glad that's all done. With a much cleaner looking weblog with a brand new re-introduction, I can now write in peace...

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