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6/15/2004 10:20:00 AM

Yahoo! 100 MB! (and problems with Gmail)

Yahoo! Mail is now providing another 196 extra megabytes for their users. As if that's not enough, allowed attachment size is now notched up to 10 megs. As of this writing, the Yahoo! Mail main page still hasn't changed "4MB" to "100MB"... plus, logging in and using Yahoo! Mail, some teething problems emerge (site CSS suddenly disappears, reverting to and from the new and old version, etc.)

100MB only? Sure, that's far from Gmail's astounding 1 GB, but Gmail's not available to the public yet, and it also has nasty (and creepy) issues (privacy and others). To those people who's giving away Gmail accounts and recieving the invites (especially to those in the recieving end) read on...

A website, called sums it all up, here's two of my favourite problems:

  1. Gmail is immortal; with endless storage, deleting messages completely is quite hard and probably even impossible because deleted messages will still remain on their database.
  2. Google has not stated whether incoming mail will or will not be scanned for AdSense keywords, plus, Google's policies do not apply to people who don't own a Gmail account. This means incoming mail from, say, Yahoo! users can be scanned for keywords, and since Big G's policies don't apply to them, there are no guarantees how Google will use this information (like selling it to third party companies, etc.).

So, the question is... will Google... become... EVIL?

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