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8/15/2005 12:13:00 PM

Islamic Videogames?

Via Global VoicesRantings of a Sandmonkey, a weblogger from Eygpt who claims to be extremely cynical, snarky, pro-US, secular, libertarian, [and] disgruntled. Not sure whether he's being sarcastic or what.

PC games with Islamic themes. Some of it, to be honest are quite ridiculous in a funny sort of way. For example, Ummah Defense I, a 2D scrolling space-shooter:

It's the year 2114 and the Earth is finally united under the Banner of Islam. As a member of the Intergalactic Muslim Council (IGMC), your job is to help coordinate Dawa efforts on other planets. You couldn't be happier with your work, until the Flying Evil Robot Armada (FERM) attacks your home planet of Earth. It seems there was one disbeliever, known as Abu Lahab XVIII, left on Earth, and in his desperate attempt to deny the truth of Islam, he has constructed a whole army of robots to destroy the Earth and all of its Muslims. (He needs to use robots because all the humans had embraced Islam).

And, a Zelda-like RPG, Maze of Destiny:

Armed only with your wits, and your faith in Allah, you must dare the depths of Darlak's dungeon. Can you recover the missing letters of Surah Fatiha, rescue the teachers of the Quran, and re-establish the true worship of Allah on Earth?

Then, there's the anti-Isreali, Intifadah Counter Strike clones: Undersiege, Under Siege. They look quite cool actually.

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